Flash Quiz

Which Superhero are you?

What color would your superhero outfit be?

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Black
  • No Color

S.T.A.R. Lab’s particle accelerator has exploded, surging Central City with radiation. What super power would you want to receive as a result?

  • Super Speed
  • Invisibility
  • Time-Travel
  • Mind-Reading
  • I Just Want Cool Gadgets
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You've had a long day at work and need to blow off some steam. What do you do?

  • Go for a run.
  • Browse the web and check your social media accounts.
  • Grab some coffee at Jitters.
  • Turn on some classical music, light a fire, and chill at home.
  • Go out for karaoke and drinks.
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Captain Cold and Heat Wave have escaped and are wreaking havoc on the city. What do you do?

  • Call backup, grab your gun, and get to the crime scene.
  • Obtain research on how to effectively disarm their weapons.
  • Grab your camera and notepad – this is your chance at an exclusive report!
  • Make sure your family is safe and out of harm's way.
  • Zoom! You're there.
  • This doesn't faze me at all.
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Choose a beverage from the Jitters menu:

  • Espresso – you require a lot of caffeine.
  • Café Latte
  • Black coffee, with a donut.
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Do you get star struck?

  • No, that is a sign of weakness.
  • I am impressed by real life heroes and their acts of bravery.
  • Duh! Especially if it’s a superhero!
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If you could go back to school, what would you want to study?

  • Journalism
  • Science
  • Law Enforcement
  • Crime Scene Investigation
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You and your significant other are having major issues. What do you do?

  • Make a bold romantic gesture.
  • Let them go and try to move on.
  • Give them space to decide what they want.
  • Usually, I am the one who counsels others with their problems.
  • Me? In a relationship? You’re joking.
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Choose a comic book character:

  • Lex Luthor
  • Green Arrow
  • Lois Lane
  • Harvey Dent
  • Gwen Stacy
  • Leopald Fitz Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D
  • Alfred Pennyworth

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